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DARE Graduate Survey

DARE Graduates Survey

We are a registered charity in England and Wales that has been developing and delivering drug and life skills education resources for teachers in UK schools since 1995. Our aim is to educate young people to lead safe and healthy lives and achieve their potential through the DARE programme.

Our charity will have been delivering DARE programmes in the UK for 25 years as of July 2020. In order for us to continually improve our services and to get feedback on how the DARE programme has left an impact, we are looking for DARE graduates to complete this short survey. Your help is very much appreciated.

Thank you for participating in our survey. Your feedback is important.


1. Are you: *
2. What is your age: *
3. Do you still remember any of the lessons taught in DARE? *
4. How much you think the programme influenced you in boosting your confidence? *
5. How much you think the programme influenced you in making sensible decisions? *
6. How much do you think the programme helped you in coping with peer pressure whilst growing up? *
7. How much do you think the programme helped you socially whilst growing up? *
8. How much you think the programme influenced you in dealing with stressful situations? *
9. How much you think the programme helped you understand the law and consequences around drug abuse? *
10. How much you think the programme helped you understand the law and consequences around alcohol abuse? *
11. Has the programme influenced you in any shape or form to become a “Good and Responsible citizen”? *
12. How much would you recommend DARE for the upcoming generation of young pupils? *
Data Protection Notice *

Life Skills Education Charity