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Key Stage 1 Programme

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Key Stage 2 Programme

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For Key Stages 1 and 2


The Life Skills STaRS programme is a PSHE teaching and learning resource for children in :

  • Year 1 (Little Stars)
  • Year 2 (Super Stars)
  • Year 3 (Shooting Stars)
  • Year 4 (Mega Stars)

Preparing our children to make safe and
healthy choices in the future across 6 lessons
per year group.

From as little as £6.25 per year group.

What is STaRS?

The Life Skills STaRS programme prepares our children to make safe and healthy decisions today and into the future, by practicing using real life situations. Written by teachers for teachers, our year group relevant PSHE teaching and learning resources respond to your needs and those of our children as they grow up in an everchanging world.

The topics covered tackle key areas of the PSHE and computing curriculum as well as areas teachers feel are important for the children of today.

The STaRS Journey…

The journey begins in KS1 with our Stars programme (formerly called ‘On Track’) and continues into Lower KS2 (‘formally Keep on Track’).

These programmes prepare your pupils perfectly for our Web Warriors – an online safety programme and pre-cursor to our DAaRT programme – a 10 week programme preferably delivered in Year 6 as an aid to transition into secondary school.

Each lesson is introduced and concluded by Ziggy – our Resili-Ant!

What areas are covered by Life Skills STaRS?

I am helping myself to get better

Through consultation with current KS1 and KS2 teachers, we have focused learning around the topics of:

  • Medicines
  • Feelings and Friendship
  • Staying safe in and out of the home
  • Vaping and Alcohol (KS2 Only)
  • Difference and Diversity
  • People who help us
  • Risk and consequence
  • Staying safe and managing time online
  • Healthy Lifestyles

The programme aims to address identified risks that children face in everyday life as they strive to make safe and healthy choices.

They should not take drugs they cause cancer

How does it work ?

Lessons are introduced and concluded by a fun, animated character, Ziggy the Resili-Ant. Ziggy features in all our STaRS programmes as well as our Drug, Alcohol and Resilience Training (DAaRT) programme for Years 5 and 6.

I would have left the bag and gon to tell my mum or my dad.

Six Lessons per Year Group

Each of the 30-45 minute lessons focuses on a story, which generates discussion and leads to learning tasks, whilst extension activities support learning at all levels of ability. All lesson plans, resources and supporting worksheets are available to download from our programme resource area.

At the end fo the track we are safe and sure

Programme Progression

The Life Skills Stars programme encourages children to Stop, Think and Remember (STaR) and children are rewarded with whole class stars as they complete each lesson, which are displayed on a poster. Certificates are available for each child as they complete the Little Stars, Super Stars, Shooting STaRS and Mega STaRS programmes.

Practicing the skills of being safe and healthy
using our STaR decision-making model

What’s happening?
What could happen?
What you’ve learned

Measuring Impact…

Are we STaRS too? 

We ensure that our products follow the International Standards first set out by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNDOC).  These standards are intended to enable commissioners, policymakers and schools to have confidence that a product is based on the ‘common characteristics of interventions and policies that have been found to yield positive outcomes’.

Impact against our outcomes is measured in multiple ways across all of our programmes.  These programmes are brand new, and so after completing the STaRS programme, we would ask you to take 5 minutes to complete the questionnaire here.  We will evaluate your responses to ensure we are achieving our intentions and reaching the outcomes identified below. Thank you for your support.

Congratuions - you are a little star! Certificate

‘What’s at the end of each year?’

A Celebration!

Help and support your young people to celebrate their learning at the end of each programme.  How? Glad you asked.

  • Print and present celebration certificates at an assembly
  • Get your young people to write a small report on what they have learnt
  • In small groups, create role plays around the topics they have discussed
  • Create a STaRS resource sheet celebration wall
  • Ask your STaRS how to celebrate!

National Curriculum Coverage

Little STaRS (Year 1)

Lesson # Learning Intentions and expected outcomes National Curriculum Links
1. Medicines

Children understand that medicines (including vaccinations and immunisations and those that support allergic reactions) can help people to stay healthy.

PSHE – Health and Well being – Healthy lifestyles ( physical well being) Medicines
2. Feelings and friendship

Children understand how our actions and words can affect others.

PSHE – Health and Well being – Healthy lifestyles ( Mental health) Feelings
3. People who help us stay healthy

Children understand there are a range of people who help us to stay healthy.

PSHE – Health and Well being – Healthy lifestyles ( Keeping safe) job to keep us safe.
4. Risk

Children recognise risk in simple everyday situations.

PSHE – Health and Well being – Healthy lifestyles ( Keeping safe) Risk
5. Staying Safe at Home (houshold products)

Children learn about how to keep safe at home.

Children understand that household products (including medicines) can be harmful if not used correctly.

PSHE – Health and Well being – Healthy lifestyles ( Keeping Safe) Home
6. Computer safety

Children recognise the risks of using computers and what to do to avoid these risks.

Children develop an understanding of who to turn to for help and what things we can do to keep us safe online.

PSHE – Health and Well being – Healthy lifestyles ( Keeping Safe) online safety

Super STaRS (Year 2)

Lesson # Learning Intentions and expected outcomes National Curriculum Links
1. Medicines

Children understand that medicines (including vaccinations and immunisations and those that support allergic reactions) can help people to stay healthy.

Children know about things that people can put into their bodies or on their skin and that these can affect how people feel.

PSHE – Health and Well being – Healthy lifestyles ( physical well being) Medicines in body/on skin
2. Feelings – stress and worry

Children recognise when we are stressed or worried about something and how to help ourselves feel better.

PSHE – Health and Well being – Healthy lifestyles ( Mental health) Stress and worry
3. People who help us… Support Networks

Children understand there are a range of people who help us to stay healthy.

Children know who and how we can call people for help in an emergency.

PSHE – Health and Well being – Healthy lifestyles ( Keeping Safe) Emergencies and accidents
4. Risks & Consequences

Children recognise risk in simple everyday situations and what action to take to minimise harm.

Children understand that our actions may lead to positive and negative consequences.

PSHE – Health and Well being – Healthy lifestyles ( Keeping safe) Risk
5.Staying Safe at Home (medicines)

Children know how to keep safe at home.

Children understand that household products and medicines can be harmful if not used correctly.

PSHE – Health and Well being – Healthy lifestyles ( Keeping Safe) Home and medicines
6. Online safety

Children recognise there is some information about ourselves that we need to know but that we need to be careful who we tell.

Children understand that we need to keep ourselves safe while working online in the virtual world.

Children develop an understanding of who to turn to for help and what things we can do to keep ourselves safe online.

PSHE – Health and Well being – Healthy lifestyles ( Keeping Safe) online safety

Shooting STaRS (Year 3)

Lesson # Learning Intentions and expected outcomes National Curriculum Links
1. Medicines (allergies)

Children understand how medicines, when used responsibly, contribute to health; that some diseases can be prevented by vaccinations and immunisations; how allergies can be managed.

PSHE – Health and Well being – Healthy lifestyles ( Physical Well being) Medicines.
2. Friendship

Children understand the importance of friendships; strategies for building positive friendships; how positive friendships support wellbeing.

PSHE – Relationships – Families and close positive relationships. Friendships
3. Vaping. Why people choose to use or not use a drug.

Children understand why people choose to use or not use drugs (including nicotine, alcohol and medicines);

PSHE – Health and Well being – Drugs, alcohol and tobacco – vaping.
4. Difference and Diversity

Children understand about diversity: what it means; the benefits of living in a diverse community; about valuing diversity within communities

PSHE – Living in the Wider World – Communities – Diversity
5. Staying Safe outside the home

Children learn strategies for keeping safe in the local environment or unfamiliar places (rail, water, road) and firework safety.

PSHE – Health and Well being – Healthy lifestyles ( Keeping Safe) . Outside – rail, water, road.
6. Managing and balancing time online

Children Understand the benefits of the internet; the importance of balancing time online with other activities; strategies for managing time online. 

Children learn to recognise that habits can have both positive and negative effects on a healthy lifestyle.

PSHE – Health and Well being – Healthy lifestyles (Physical wellbeing) online habits

Mega STaRS (Year 4)

Lesson # Learning Intentions and expected outcomes National Curriculum Links
1. Medicines

Children understand how medicines, when used responsibly, contribute to health; that some diseases can be prevented by vaccinations and immunisations; how allergies can be managed.

PSHE – Health and Well being – Healthy lifestyles Physical Well being) Medicines.
2. Friendship

Children learn to recognise pressure from others to do something unsafe or that makes them feel uncomfortable and strategies for managing this.

PSHE – Relationships – Safe relationships. Peer Pressure.
3. Alcohol. Why people choose to use or not use a drug.

Children understand why people choose to use or not use drugs (including nicotine, alcohol and medicines).

PSHE – Health and Well being – Drugs, alcohol and tobacco – Alcohol.
4. Healthy Lifestyles

Children learn to recognise that habits can have both positive and negative effects on a healthy lifestyle.

PSHE – Health and Well being – Healthy lifestyles. Habits.
5.Staying Safe outside the Home

Children learn strategies for keeping safe in the local environment or unfamiliar places (rail, water, road) and firework safety.

PSHE – Health and Well being – Healthy lifestyles ( Keeping Safe) . Outside – rail, water, road.
6.Sharing media online

Children recognise things appropriate to share and things that should not be shared on social media; rules surrounding distribution of images. 

PSHE – Living in the Wider World – Media Literacy and digital resilience.
Life Skills Education Charity